Non-residential electoral roll
Lachlan Council News 24 Mar 2020
Non-residential electoral roll 24 Mar 2020 3:56 PM -

With the Council elections coming up in September, the following information is provided for people who want to enrol on the non-residential roll.

There are two non-residential rolls, the Non-resident Owners of Rateable Land roll and the Occupiers and Rate-paying Lessees roll.

These two rolls are combined with the Residential roll to form the Roll of Electors for Lachlan Shire, which will be used during the election. The Residential roll is the list of people who live in the council area and are eligible to vote in elections

The non-residential rolls allow people, who own land but do not live in the shire or are occupiers and rate-paying lessees of rateable land within the Shire to vote.

After each election, the non-residential rolls lapse and Council must prepare new, updated rolls before the next election.

If you were on one of these rolls previously and you still eligible to be on that roll, you should re-apply to be included on the new roll.

It is not compulsory to be on a non-residential roll and you are not required by law to vote if you are on a non-residential roll, but it is still compulsory for you to vote in the area where you live.

You cannot enrol and vote more than once in Lachlan Shire. If you are a Shire resident you are not permitted to also enrol as a non-resident in the Shire.

To be on the non-resident roll, for owners of rateable land, you must be:

•        The sole owner of the rateable land, or

•        Nominated as the elector by the joint or several owners of the rateable land, or

•        Nominated as the elector by the corporation or trustees who own the rateable land, or

•        The lessee of the land from the Crown and the land is rateable Crown land.

To be on the roll of occupiers and rate-paying lessees, you must be:

•        The sole occupier or rate-paying lessee of rateable land, or

•        Nominated as the elector by the joint or several occupiers or rate-paying lessees of the rateable land, or

•        Nominated as the elector by the corporation or trustees who occupy or are the rate-paying lessee of the rateable land, and have the legal right to occupy the land, or be responsible for paying all or part of the rates on the land for three years following the date you apply to be on the roll.

 You can check your residential enrolment at or by calling the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) on 13 23 26. You can also check your eligibility to register for one of the non-resident rolls with the AEC or Council.


For any enquiries please contact MAYOR JOHN MEDCALF OAM on 0429 937 248.