A draft strategy that will help shape the way Council manages the planning opportunities created by the community’s changing needs over the next 20 years is now out for public comment and feedback.

All councils within NSW are now required to prepare a Local Strategic Planning Statement (LSPS) which frames clear links between NSW State Government and Local Government planning controls, and shows how land use planning will respond to changes over the coming decades.

“The Coffs Harbour Local Government Area (LGA) continues to evolve and to ensure we can build on our community’s strengths and potential, Council is seeking input from locals to help shape the future plans for our area,” said Chris Chapman, Director Sustainable Communities.

“The LSPS provides a bridging point to ensure that regional and district priorities are placed within a clear local context and tailored to the unique economic, social and environmental characteristics of our LGA by developing a vision for 2040. The vision identifies future direction for planning so that Coffs Harbour will develop as a North Coast regional city to deliver new jobs, more diverse housing and high-quality essential services.”

The draft Coffs Harbour Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 summarises the content and directions outlined within Council’s Coffs Harbour Local Growth Management Strategy. It identifies 16 Planning Priorities in four themes to achieve Council’s land use planning vision for the local government area to 2040.

The four themes are – Connected, Sustainable, Thriving, Leadership – which reflect key goals of the MyCoffs Community Strategic Plan.

You can provide your feedback on the draft Coffs Harbour Local Strategic Planning Statement 2020 planning priorities until May 1 2020.

You can make your voice heard by going to https://haveyoursay.coffsharbour.nsw.gov.au/LSPS where you can find out more about the draft Statement and make an online submission; or alternatively written submissions can be addressed to the General Manager and sent to Coffs Harbour City Council, Locked Bag 155, NSW 2450.