This time of year we can experience a number of significant weather days - many of extreme heat during the day and overnight.

Council has an official Heatwave Plan that is activated during days of extreme heat.

“Extreme heat can affect all members of the community, but we know that the very young and our older population are especially at risk during these periods,” Mayor of Maroondah, Cr Mike Symon said.

“Heat exhaustion, and the potentially fatal heat stroke, occur when the body is unable to cool itself. Heatwaves can also make existing medical conditions worse. Extended periods of heat can also affect community infrastructure such as the power supply, public transport and other services.” He said.

On Heat Health Alert days, some Council services may be altered or cancelled in an effort to protect vulnerable members of the community from going out in the heat.

These may include Maternal and Child Health and immunisation services, as well as in-home assessments and Meals on Wheels deliveries. Where possible, clients will be contacted to discuss alternative arrangements.

It’s also important to make sure your pets are looked after during hot weather by keeping them indoors, where possible, and well hydrated.

Tips to stay cool on days of extreme heat:

Keep in touch with sick or frail friends, neighbours and relatives. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, even if you don’t feel thirsty (if your doctor normally limits your fluids, check how much to drink during hot weather). Keep yourself cool by using wet towels, putting your feet in cool water and taking cool (not cold) showers. Spend as much time as possible in cool or air-conditioned buildings (e.g. shopping centres, libraries, cinemas or community centres). Block out the sun at home during the day by closing curtains and blinds. Open the windows when there is a cool breeze. Don’t leave children, adults or animals in parked vehicles. Stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day. If you must go out, stay in the shade and take plenty of water with you. Wear a hat and light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing. Eat smaller meals more often and cold meals such as salads. Make sure food that needs refrigeration is properly stored. Avoid strenuous activity like sport, home improvements and gardening. Watch or listen to news reports that provide more information during a heatwave.

For 24-hour health advice residents can contact NURSE-ON-CALL on 1300 60 60 24. For all life-threatening emergencies call 000.