Temporary Road Closure

Pursuant to Section 33 of the Road Traffic Act 1961 notice is hereby given that that the following roads within the Curramulka township will be closed to traffic on Saturday 7 December 2019 between 6.00pm and 7.30pm for the Curramulka Light-Up Parade:

Main Street (between Third Street and Centenary Road)

Third Street (between Main Street and Second Street)

Persons taking part in the Curramulka Light-Up Parade on the above roads are exempted from all Australian Road Rules relating to pedestrian behaviour, seatbelts, and carriage of persons in/on motor vehicles.

The drivers and passengers of these vehicles undertake the event wholly at their own risk and shall release and indemnify the Police Commissioner for any liability for injury or damage whatsoever inclusive of injury or loss sustained by third parties.

For any enquiries, please contact Council’s Operations Manager, Mr Stephen Goldsworthy, on 8832 0000.

Andrew Cameron

Chief Executive Officer