The Fire Danger Season is set annually and generally runs from 1 December to 30 April.

Due to dry conditions, the 2019/2020 Fire Danger Season has been brought forward and will commence on 15 November 2019.

Council sends a letter to the owners of vacant land before the Fire Danger Season begins to advise them of the importance of fire prevention.

The following action is required to reduce a potential fire hazard:

If the land is a vacant block under one hectare in area, maintain all undergrowth at or below 10cm in height If the land is a vacant block over one hectare in area, establish and maintain a fuel break around the whole area, placed as near as practicable to the perimeter.  The fuel break shall be at least a 5 metre wide strip on which all grass, pest plants and undergrowth is reduced to a maximum of 10 centimetres

until the expiry of the fire danger season.

The property should also be cleared of all flammable materials. This includes grass waste resulting from cutting and any other objects that are inflammable.

During November, Council Fire Prevention Officers will be inspecting all properties on our database.  Under the Fire and Emergency Service Act 2005, Council can issue a legal notice requiring the clearing of land if there is a fire hazard or where the land has the potential at a later date to become a fire hazard.  Your early attention to the condition of your block (or land) will ensure no further action is necessary.

The responsibility to have your land cleared rests with the owner and if necessary you should contact an appropriate contractor to arrange clearance of the land.

Please remember to maintain your block throughout the fire danger season as additional clearance may be required.

Further information in relation to fire hazard reduction may be obtained by contacting the Council on 8366 9222.