Harvey Recreation Ground Master Plan – Have your say
Shire of Harvey 25 Oct 2019

Harvey Recreation Ground Needs Assessment and Master Plan

Community survey – Have your say here.

The Shire of Harvey is committed to providing services, infrastructure and facilities to meet community needs.

We are developing a Master Plan for the Harvey Recreation Ground and are seeking community input. The Master Plan will identify areas and opportunities for improvement to accommodate a range of sporting, recreation and community uses into the future.

There will be an opportunity for you to have your say at a community drop-in session on Tuesday, 5 November from 4.30pm to 6pm at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre.

If you are unable to attend this session, there is a link to the survey on the Shire of Harvey website and on Instagram @shireofharvey and hard copies of the survey are available at the Harvey Recreation and Cultural Centre and the Harvey Library.

The survey closes on 22 November 2019.