Draft Annual Budget and Business Plan Consultation

Balance is the key focus of The Barossa Council’s draft 2019-20 Annual Budget and Business Plan in order to maintain the current level of services, with improvements to internal efficiencies, while delivering on high priorities within The Big Project and accelerated road and infrastructure projects.

Acutely aware of the climatic conditions which impact both our community and the state, Council has tried to strike a budget within the context of its long term plan that increases some key spending, delivers current service levels and makes small provisions for programs aimed at increasing efficiency and slowing cost increases, including lobbying other levels of government to address cost shifting, an improve governance and accountability.

With this in mind, Council will maintain rate revenue increases consistent with its long term plan of 2.5%.  Further, Council understand the current impact on primary producers and are proposing to provide a discretionary rebate, on application, where the increase in the Primary Production general rates levied for an assessment exceeds the 2018/19 general rates by more than 15%.

Importantly, the budget continues to fund core infrastructure with the aim to future-proof the region, while addressing the growing costs of delivery of day-to-day services including staffing, utilities, insurance, materials and legislative compliance.

Key features within the budget include:

Provision over four years for final agreed high priority projects of The Big Project $4.4M road capital expenditure, with resealing increased to $2.9M, bringing forward works which address an identified backlog, $0.9M for rural re-sheeting projects and $274,000 for road shoulder upgrades $811K for energy efficiency implementation at The Rex and Nuriootpa Council Offices to achieve lower emissions and significant cost savings $830K for stormwater infrastructure associated with the Springwood development outfall and connection of Heimester Court to Johns Sims Court Increases to road maintenance funding and tree management, especially key rural roads

Residents are encouraged to read the Plan, including the annual review of the Long Term Financial Plan, and have their say either online at ourbetterbarossa.com.au, Facebook facebook.com./thebarossacouncil, via email [email protected], in writing to PO Box 867 Nuriootpa SA 5355, by 12 June, or make a verbal submission at a Special Council meeting on 5 June 2019 held at 6pm at the Nuriootpa Council Chambers. The Plan is also available to view in libraries and at the front desk of the Nuriootpa office.

View the Draft Annual Budget and Business Plan.