Recycling update Published: 18 February 2019

The EPA has ordered recycling processor SKM to stop receiving recyclable material until further notice.

Cardinia Shire Council is one of many Victorian Councils utilising this recycling processor.

While this is unfortunate, inappropriately managed stockpiles of waste and recyclable materials pose a fire risk and a risk to human health.

Council is committed to maintaining services to residents to ensure there is no disruption to waste collection.

In the short term, we're disappointed we need to divert recyclable materials to landfill while the processor responds to the order.

No-one wants recyclable material to go to landfill but our priority must be to protect the health and safety of the community.

Cardinia Shire Council is working hard with the processor and the state government, investigating all immediate alternative options as well as long-term solutions to manage recycling services to households.

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