Berri Barmera Council Rating Review
Berri Barmera Council 28 Jul 2014

HAVE YOUR SAY! Council is welcoming comments and submissions regarding its rating review. We encourage you to attend our public workshop 20th August, 2014 at 5.30pm in the Berri Council Chambers. You must register your attendance by telephoning the Berri Barmera Council office on 85821922 by close of business 13th August, 2014. For other methods to lodge your submission - please view article.

Council derives the majority of its income by ratring property owners within its council area, based on the capital value of their properties. Each year Council is faced with balancing its service levels, the needs and expectations of the community and setting appropriate rate levels to adequately resource the needs expressed by the community.

Why Conduct a Rating Review?

A number of concerns have been raised by the community regarding a perceived inequity surrounding the differential rating system currently used by Council.

 Other concerns that were raised:

Outdated philosophies inherited from previous councils. Constant comparison with other councils. The need to ensure our rating system remained fair and practical.


Summaries of the Rating Review have been sent out with the 1st Quarter rate notices. A more detailed document has been prepared providing further explanation of Council’s rating system with in depth detail and analysis.   Copies of the Rating Review Summary or the full Rating Review 2014 Document, can be obtained from each of Council’s offices.

Comments and submissions are welcome and we encourage you to have your say by either of the following methods:

Written submission to Council – make representation to Council by sending in a formal, written submission by 26th August, 2014. Log your submission on line here. Attend a public workshop on 20th August, 2014 at 5.30pm in the Berri Council Chambers. 

You must register your attendance by telephoning the Berri Barmera Council office on 85821922 by close of business 13th August, 2014.

     4. Meet with Berri Barmera Council staff by making an appointment – telephone 85821922.

What happens from here?

Your feedback will be received as part of a report to Council for consideration regarding changes to be introduced in the 2015/2016 financial year.